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What are the 4 Common Stages of Periodontal Disease?

Posted on 4/24/2023 by Evan
What are the 4 Common Stages of Periodontal Disease?Poor dental hygiene practices predispose one to periodontal disease. The disease is progressive and starts with inflammation of the gums to the advanced stages, where you will experience loose teeth and receding gums. Managing the disease early is the best way to stop it from progressing. Here are the 4 main stages of periodontal disease:


Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease. You will note swelling of the gums, but the underlying jawbone remains unaffected. It mainly occurs due to failure to brush and floss your teeth. You can eliminate the disease by adopting recommended dental care practices. Your dentist will recommend professional teeth cleaning and the use of antibiotics as the best ways to resolve the problem.

Initial Periodontitis

The second stage of the disease affects your deeper periodontal structures. It can result in initial or early bone loss. If you don't manage gingivitis, it will develop to initial periodontitis.

Mild Periodontitis

It is the third stage of periodontal disease, which causes significant bone loss on the surfaces of the root of your teeth. Your gums start disengaging from the teeth, and you can lose your jawbone. If left untreated, periodontal pockets develop, which encourages bacteria and food debris accumulation. In the long run, pus will accumulate in the pockets; if the pus is not drained as soon as possible, an abscess will result.

Progressive Periodontitis

It is the fourth and most severe stage of periodontal disease. You experience severe bone loss and gum recession, and you can have a high sensitivity to cold and hot things at this stage. Lose of teeth, deep pockets, intense pain while chewing food, and chronic bad breath are other symptoms of this stage. Your gums will also bleed easily when eating or brushing. Treating progressive periodontitis is invasive and may require surgical procedures such as flap surgery, bone grafts, root planing, and scaling.

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Glenview, IL 60026
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